RSB addresses cell phones, approves meal pricing increase

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RSB addresses cell phones, approves meal pricing increase

Thu, 06/20/2024 - 14:33
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Richmond School Board approved new cell policies for Dear and Sunrise Elementary during a recent board meeting, as well as a 10-cent increase in school meal pricing for the 2024-2025 school year. “I have gone over the handbook with a finetooth comb. We want the handbooks to be consistent throughout the buildings” said Sunrise Elementary Principal Sara Terrill. The new policy approved for next year’s handbook is as follows: • Student cell phones are not allowed to be used at school during the school day. • Cell phones and smart watches should be on silent and kept in the student’s backpack while at school. • Any personal electronic device is not allowed to be used in any class, hallway or restroom. • Students needing to contact their parents during the school day should come to the office. The following guidelines will be used to address the misuse of cell phones: • First offense: Redirect by adult to silence phone and teacher confiscates cell phone for the day. Teacher…

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