
Ray Countian looks to spread love, revitalize old Henrietta church

Lifelong Ray County resident Beth Conner has taken it upon herself to spread love and positivity in her community by leading what she calls a “love-centered life.” Conner hopes to spread that love and positivity at the old Methodist church in Henrietta, where she lives. Eventually, she wants to hold dinners, camps, retreats and classes there, but it’s not ready for events like that yet, she said.
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Researchers continue investigation into disease

Researchers around the globe continue to investigate Alzheimer’s disease, the most commonly diagnosed form of dementia. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive form of dementia that affects around 6.5 million people in the United States. Since AD affects parts of the brain that control thought, memory, and language, notable symptoms include memory loss and difficulties communicating.